Iran has created a kamikaze Sina that is a replica of the US Switchblade 300

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 01.11.2023, 21:09

Iran has shown a new kamikaze drone. Barrage munition looks similar to the American development Switchblade 300.

Here's What We Know

The Iranian military demonstrated the use of Sina as part of the Eghtedar 1402 exercise. A small pipe is used to launch the kamikaze drone. After takeoff, the drone opens its wings and starts its electric motor.

The Sina can fly for 10-15 minutes. The barrage munition is capable of hitting a stationary or moving enemy target within a radius of 10 kilometres. For this purpose, the suicide drone is equipped with a warhead weighing 300-1000g.

Source: Defence Blog