Czech, Canadian, American and Swiss-made parts were found in Iran's Shahed-238 jet UAV

By: Myroslav Trinko | 08.02.2024, 14:09

Defense Express has obtained a report by Ukrainian specialists who analysed the Iranian Shahed-238 UAV shot down by the AFU.

Here's What We Know

As it turned out, despite the sanctions, Iran continues to use European and American parts in its drones. For example, the main component of the Shahed-238 UAV is the TJ150 engine. It is manufactured by the Czech company PBS Velká Bíteš. It has a maximum thrust of 1500N with a weight of 18.9kg, a diameter of 272mm and a length of 518mm. Thanks to this engine, the Shahed-238 can reach a speed of about 520 km/h.

As for navigation, the satellite and inertial systems are responsible for it. They have TW1721 antenna units manufactured by the Canadian company Tallysman. Also in the UAV can be found Swiss and American microchips and microcontrollers. In addition, the drone uses a microprocessor TMS320 F28335PGFA of Texas Instruments (USA). How exactly Iran managed to circumvent sanctions and import into the country such important components of Western production is still unknown.


Iran demonstrated the Shahed-238 UAV at the end of last year. The drone is a jet-propelled modification of the Shahed-136. It has a slightly updated appearance and three versions: a variant with autonomous guidance system based on inertial system and GPS signals, as well as variants with infrared/optical and radar guidance systems. By the way, information about the first downed Shahed-238 by the AFU warriors appeared in early January. You can get acquainted with the technical characteristics of the UAV below:

Flight range 2000 km
Length 3.5 м
Wingspan 3 м
Height 0.5 м
Maximum take-off weight 250kg
Cargo weight 50 kg
Type of cargo Combat part
Engine Turbojet
Maximum speed 600 km/h
Number of Nasir antennas 4 pcs

Source: Defence Express