It's a fiasco: Sony removed the VR version of shooter Bulletstorm from the PS Store catalogue due to the game's terrible quality

By: Anton Kratiuk | 20.01.2024, 12:50

The VR-version of the famous shooter Bulletstorm was released on the 18th of January.

People Can Fly company promised to competently transfer Bulletstorm gameplay into virtual reality, enriching it with new mechanics and features.

Here's What We Know

In fact, the shooter turned out to be of such low quality that it repeated the "feat" of Cyberpunk 2077: it was removed from the PS Store catalogue, and Bulletstorm buyers will be refunded.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that Sony actively promoted the VR-version of Bulletstorm, as the game was created primarily for the PS VR2 device, and it turns out that the incident casts a shadow on the Japanese company.

In turn, People Can Fly published a tweet in which they said that they have heard all the comments and wishes of players and will release a major patch next week, which will not be the last one.

This problem does not only affect PlayStation. Steam users also remained, to put it mildly, dissatisfied with the quality of Bulletstorm-VR on PC and leave negative reviews en masse.

Perhaps Bulletstorm-VR will eventually return to the PS Store, but the developers will need to do a lot of work to make it happen.

Source: Reddit