Another batch of Polish SAU Krab ready for shipment to Ukraine - mass media

By: Elena Shcherban | 30.07.2022, 18:05

Polish Radio 24 writes that Poland has prepared another batch of Krab self-propelled artillery units for transfer to Ukraine.

How many and when?

We are talking about eight self-propelled artillery systems manufactured by the Polish armament factory Huta Stalowa Wola under a contract signed in June for more than 3 billion zlotys. This contract provides for the production of about 60 howitzers and additional vehicles for the Ukrainian artillery.

According to the newspaper, the equipment is awaiting completion of the last formalities and will be delivered to Ukraine. In addition, the next training of the Ukrainian army's military, who will operate the gun howitzers, is currently being completed in Poland.

Recall that as part of military support Poland transferred 18 SAUs Krab back in May, but they were allocated from the funds of the Polish army.

Krab is a self-propelled howitzer of 155 mm caliber with 52 caliber barrel, placed on a tracked chassis and has a turret layout.

Source: Рolskee Radio 24

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