Reznikov: Ukraine has not lost a single HIMARS multiple rocket launcher

By: Myroslav Trinko | 17.08.2022, 12:00

The Russian Ministry of Defense has repeatedly stated that the Russians destroyed some HIMARS in Ukraine, but as usual, the information has not been confirmed.

What we know

Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov gave an interview to Voice of America in which he stated that as of August 16, Russia had not destroyed any HIMARS MLRS.

"I can absolutely responsibly say - not a single HIMARS has been lost. When you read in the Russian media or social networks that soldier Ivanov rushed in with a Kalashnikov and destroyed 12 HIMARS simultaneously with it, you can just laugh. This is nonsense," the minister said during an interview.

Recall that the AFU now has 16 HIMARS. They were transferred to us by the USA. Besides, Ukraine also received 9 M270 MLRSs: six sent by Great Britain and three by Germany (in MARS II modification). Such systems can launch up to 204 missiles at a time.

Source: Voanews

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