Italy transfers dozens of M109 howitzers to Ukraine

By: Elena Shcherban | 16.04.2023, 19:20

La Repubblica writes that Italy has already handed over and continues to hand over M109 self-propelled artillery units to Ukraine.

Here's What We Know

Thus, on Saturday, a train with howitzers destined for the Ukrainian military passed through the railway station in the northern city of Udine. All of them have been refurbished with American funding.

According to journalists, a total of 60 units have already been handed over or will be handed over in the near future. At least 30 Italian howitzers are already at the front. For several weeks now, several videos taken in Ukraine have shown powerful M109Ls firing at Russian positions.

The M109 is a 155mm American self-propelled artillery unit developed in the 50s and 60s. It became the standard SAU of US forces, supplanting both older models and the M108. The M109 was first used in combat in the Vietnam War, and was subsequently used in almost every military conflict in which the United States was involved. In addition to the US Army, it was widely used by NATO and in large quantities by some other countries.

Source: La Repubblica