Ukraine receives modern DM 53 A1 armour-piercing ammunition for German Leopard 2A6 tanks

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 07.06.2023, 16:03

At the end of May, we wrote that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had shot up a Russian T-62MV trophy tank during a training session, suggesting that a DM 53 shell had been used. And now there is confirmation.

Here's What We Know

The new video shows the DM 53 A1 ammunition. It is one of the most powerful tank projectiles of the German Army. It was developed by Rheinmetall.

DM 53 appeared at the end of the last century. The sub-caliber tank projectile is used to destroy enemy armoured targets. It is designed for the 120mm L/55 cannon with an extended barrel range.

The projectile has a length of 74 cm including the head piece (8.4 cm) and a diameter of nearly 2.6 cm. The weight is about 5 kg. The maximum range of the DM 53 A1 is approximately 4,000 meters. The flight speed is over 1.7 km/s.

Source: @NMFTE