US stopped deliveries of F-35 Lightning II fighters for the second time in a few months - Lockheed Martin will not be able to fulfill the 2022 contract in full

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 31.12.2022, 17:02

The U.S. Department of Defense has suspended deliveries of F-35 Lightning II aircraft for the second time. This time the reason was the accident in Texas.

Here's What We Know

Because of the F-35B crash on the runway, Israel decided to temporarily halt flights of 11 F-35I Adir aircraft for inspection. The United States did the same a little later, without specifying the number of fighters.

Now it has become known about the suspension of deliveries. This means that Lockheed Martin will not be able to fully fulfill its contract to deliver 148 planes in 2022. The company has handed over 141 fifth-generation fighters to customers. Up to this point, deliveries have been going according to plan.

Note that in September the Pentagon has already stopped the delivery of the F-35 Lightning II because of the use of Chinese magnets. The ban was lifted after about a month. How long we will have to wait this time - is unknown.

Source: Defense News