Two US Army HH-60 Black Hawk military helicopters collide in Kentucky

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 31.03.2023, 16:27

Two US Army helicopters collided in Kentucky. The accident happened overnight during a training flight.

Here's What We Know

Two HH-60 Black Hawk helicopters are known to have collided in mid-air. Initially, details of the accident were not disclosed, but later a US Army spokesman, Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Hoefler, reported nine fatalities.

The scene of the incident is just off Interstate 68 in Trigg County in southwestern Kentucky. The helicopters were from the 101st Airborne Division, which is stationed at Fort Campbell. The accident happened about 30 miles (48 km) from the base.

This is not the first accident involving a Black Hawk in recent weeks. Last month, two Tennessee National Guard pilots died after the helicopter crashed while training in Alabama.

Source: The War Zone