Aberdeen test centre receives a state-of-the-art Russian T-90A tank for research

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 16.04.2023, 14:10

A few days ago, pictures of the Russian T-90A tank on the US soil surfaced on the World Wide Web. It turned out that the fighting vehicle was photographed on its way to the US Army's Aberdeen Test Center.

Here's What We Know

The tank was photographed at a truck stop in the state of Louisiana. The shipping label indicates that the T-90A arrived from Gdynia, Poland to Baltimore, Texas. The final destination is the Aberdeen Proving Ground (Aberdeen Proving Ground). This is the home of the US Army's Aberdeen Proving Ground.

The tank belonged to the 27th Independent Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It was seized by the Ukrainian Defence Forces in early autumn last year in the Kharkiv region.

At the moment there is no official information as to why the Russian T-90A tank was sent to the USA. Apparently, US experts will study it at the Aberdeen Proving Ground. It is possible that US residents will be able to observe the fighting vehicle at exhibitions of military equipment, which is used by the Russian side in the war against Ukraine.

As for the T-90A itself, it is a relatively new tank of the Russian Federation's army. It was adopted into service in 2005 and is an upgraded version of the T-90, also known as "Object 188A1".

The tank is equipped with a Buran-M or ESSA thermal imaging camera, depending on the modification. The power pack is represented by the V-92C2 engine with an output of 1000 horsepower. Also T-90A received a 2A46M-5 weapon.

Source: The Drive