US continues to upgrade W88 nuclear warheads for Trident II intercontinental ballistic missiles with a launch range of 12,000 km

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 30.04.2023, 23:45

The United States is working to modernise its W88 nuclear warheads. This was announced by the National Nuclear Security Administration.

Here's What We Know

W88 nuclear warheads are used in the Trident II intercontinental ballistic missiles that equip Ohio-class nuclear-powered submarines. In the near future, the US will send such submarines to South Korea for the first time in 40 years.

The original W88 has a length of 1.75 metres and a diameter of 0.55 metres, and a mass of at least 363 kg. The nuclear warhead has a yield of 475 kilotons. The Trident II missile can deliver W88 to a distance of up to 12,000 km. There is practically no information about the design of the nuclear warhead, as the USA keeps this data secret.

The US National Nuclear Security Administration approved the modernisation programme 11 years ago. The first modernized W88 Alteration 370 warhead rolled off the line in mid-summer 2021, about six years after the first flight test.

The U.S. originally wanted to begin production of the upgraded W88 Alteration 370 in 2019. However, due to problems with condenser longevity, it was decided to postpone the start of production of nuclear warheads for the Trident II.

Source: National Nuclear Security Administration