Three F-22 fifth-generation fighter jets intercept an unknown spherical object over Hawaii

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 03.05.2023, 20:25

The US Air Force continues its fight against unknown flying objects over North America. Over the winter, Air Force aircraft shot down several balloons over US and Canadian territory, including a Chinese balloon. It was the first aerial target to be destroyed by a fifth-generation F-22 Raptor fighter. Three such aircraft were recently sent to intercept an unidentified spherical object.

Here's What We Know

Last week, the US Air Force sent three fifth-generation F-22 fighter jets to intercept an object of unknown origin that was flying over Hawaii. As it turned out, it was another balloon.

The US military along with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) continue to monitor the site. The US Department of Defence has stated that it does not know the owner of the balloon. However, the Pentagon does not believe that it is being controlled by a hostile or foreign entity. The defence department also said the balloon posed no threat.

The US Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM) has responded to an unidentified radar signature near Hawaii. The Pacific Air Force lifted three F-22 fighters into the sky to assess the situation and visually identified the spherical object.

The balloon was hovering at an altitude of about 11,000km (36,000ft), where civilian aircraft can fly. It did not fly directly over critical defence infrastructure or other important US government facilities. In addition, the aerial object posed no military or physical threat to people on the ground.

Given these observations, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin agreed with the military command's recommendation that no action be taken against the balloon. It has already left Hawaii's airspace and territorial waters. The FAA and the Pentagon continue to track the balloon. The balloon is now heading towards Mexico.

Source: The War Zone