330,000,000 euro contract: Spain to upgrade Mistral air defence systems

By: Myroslav Trinko | 08.05.2023, 12:56

The Spanish Ministry of Defence plans to launch a programme to modernise its Mistral air defence systems.

Here's What We Know

The information was shared by the publication Infodefensa. The cost of modernization will be 330 000 000 euros. Thus Spain will receive an improved version of SAM with an updated launcher, as well as a set of new missiles Mistral 3. The Ministry of Defence did not disclose the number of air defence systems. The first deliveries of the upgraded SAMs will start later this year.


The Mistral is an anti-aircraft missile system designed to engage targets at low altitudes such as helicopters and aircraft. It was developed by French company MBDA and adopted by French ground forces in 1987. The MANPADS is 1.8m long, weighs 19kg and has a range of 500 to 6,000m. Mistral has a muzzle velocity of 800 m/s.

Source: Infodefensa