US to deploy THAAD on Guam by 2027 - system will provide 360-degree protection of the island from ballistic missiles

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 09.05.2023, 11:53

The Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile defence system on the island of Guam will be operational within four years. For this, the US Missile Defense Agency (MDA) will deploy two dozen facilities across the island.

Here's What We Know

The MDA has revealed a map showing 20 locations where components of the THAAD missile defence system will be located. These are sensors, launchers, radar stations, interceptors and additional equipment. The complex also includes a command and control centre.

The agency's key objective is to attempt to provide a "360-degree capability" to defend the island. These measures are needed to form a comprehensive defence system at all times that can adapt to current and future threats of missile attacks by potential adversaries in the region. This was announced by Katie Koenig, a spokeswoman for the United Marianas region.

The two countries in question are the PRC and the DPRK. China has made no secret of its desire to take over Taiwan, while North Korea has been showing missile activity throughout the year, launching ballistic missiles towards Japan and the Republic of Korea. The DPRK is also preparing for its first nuclear weapons test in years.

Most components of the THAAD missile defence system will be installed at military sites. However, the MDA has not ruled out the possibility of acquiring private sites and real estate to fully implement the project. The choice of sites is still under consideration.

Guam is a key strategic location in the US defence plan. Weapons deployed here will enable it to deter adversaries and respond quickly to crises in the Indo-Pacific region.

Source: Stripes