Israel shows firing test of ship-based C-Dome air defence system for intercepting cruise missiles and drones

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 30.05.2023, 12:15

Israel has completed a series of tests of the C-Dome surface-to-air missile system. The tests began in late autumn last year and lasted for about six months.

Here's What We Know

C-Dome is a ship-based version of the Iron Dome ground-based air defence system. The surface-to-air missile system is designed to destroy cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles. For the test, the launcher was placed aboard the Sa'ar 6-class Magen corvette.

The exercise scenario was to intercept targets that threatened Israel's infrastructure and strategic assets. According to the military, the air defence system performed well.

The SAM system was developed by the Israel Missile Defense Organization and the local company Rafael. The Sa'ar 6 class ships are expected to be equipped with two C-Dome launchers.

Source: Israeli Ministry of Defence