Several countries are ready to transfer US MIM-104 Patriot surface-to-air missile systems to Ukraine

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 02.06.2023, 15:03

The day before, we wrote that the Netherlands would work on expanding the Patriot coalition to give Ukraine more air defence systems. Good news has come from Moldova, where a summit of the European political community is taking place.

Here's What We Know

There is hope that Ukraine will receive more MIM-104 Patriot surface-to-air missile systems in the near future. Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Moravetsky has announced this. He did not go into details, only saying that several countries that have Patriot systems promised quick deliveries to Ukraine.

At the same time, Mateusz Morawiecki stressed that Poland itself is not on this list since it has very few of them. As you know, Poland has invested almost $5 billion in the purchase of Patriot, and deliveries started only at the end of the last year.

As for Ukraine, it now has two anti-aircraft missile systems. They have been transferred by the United States and Germany. In addition, the Netherlands has supplied several launchers. Among European countries, Germany has the most MIM-104 Patriot systems, about a dozen units.

Source: Ukrinform