MBDA to develop an ERC decoy for a sixth-generation fighter that can seek out enemy air defence systems

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 26.06.2023, 00:06

The European giant MBDA has decided to create an interesting device that will work in tandem with a sixth-generation fighter and beyond. It is not a missile, a plane or a drone. The development is an "expendable remote carrier" (ERC).

Here's What We Know

The ERC will work in conjunction with a fighter aircraft that is being developed as part of the Future Combat Air System (FCAS) programme. The flying decoy will be used to confuse the enemy and detect air defence systems.

The ERC will study the battlefield environment and relay information to the pilot in real time. MBDA says that enemy air defence systems will not be able to distinguish the ERC from a real aircraft.

At the same time, the decoy will be cheaper than an anti-aircraft missile that will be used to engage. The MBDA also promises that the ERC can be launched from submarines, ground vehicles and ships.

The development of the ERC comes with some challenges. In particular, one of the challenges is the need to fit all the sensors into a limited space. The ERC will be 4 metres in size. The mass of the aircraft will be 400 kg.

Another problem is autonomy. Developers have to make it so that the ERC can operate on its own. This is necessary so as not to put an additional burden on the pilot.

The sixth-generation fighter is delayed and will probably appear in 2040 rather than 2035. The ERC demonstrator will be ready for its first flight in 2029. The announcement was made by Jean Judde de Larivière and Grégoire Faron, who work in the FCAS programme.

Source: Breaking Defense