In the UK, a replica of the first ever Messerschmitt Me.262 zero-generation jet fighter took to the skies at the RIAT exhibition

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 21.07.2023, 17:35

The Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT) exhibition was held at the Fairford military base in the UK. Visitors could watch the flight of a copy of the Messerschmitt Me.262 fighter aircraft.

Here's What We Know

Aircraft and helicopters from both the Air Force and Navy of 26 countries took part in the exhibition. Civilian aircraft also travelled to the UK Royal Air Force base for the event.

The UK sent 41 pieces of equipment to RIAT, while Italy and the United States sent 18 each. In particular, Metrea Strategic Mobility's KC-135R tanker, which a few days earlier had performed the first ever aerial refuelling of US Air Force aircraft.

Now a few words about the Messerschmitt Me.262. It is a German subsonic fighter of the zero-generation. It was used by the Luftwaffe during the Second World War. The beginning of operation is dated April 1944.

Production lasted only a year, but it was enough for Messerschmitt AG to build more than 1,400 fighters. On 26 July 1944, the Messerschmitt Me.262 scored its first aerial victory by destroying a Mosquito reconnaissance aircraft.

Source: AirbusDefence