The US has sent the nuclear-powered submarine USS Tennessee with 20 Trident II intercontinental ballistic missiles with a launch range of more than 12,000 kilometres to the UK

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 25.07.2023, 23:55

The US Navy has been revealing the location of strategic nuclear submarines that carry nuclear weapons with unexpected frequency over the past year. One of the Ohio class submarines has arrived in the UK.

Here's What We Know

In July, the USS Tennessee, bearing the submarine number (SSBN-734), anchored off the coast of Scotland. The submarine was visited by the head of the British Submarine Force, Commodore Paul Dunn, and the commander of European Command, US Army General Christopher Cavoli.

The US Navy has 18 Ohio-class nuclear-powered submarines, 14 of which carry up to 20 Trident II (D5) intercontinental ballistic missiles. The service does not say whether the USS Tennessee has nuclear weapons on board.

Our heroine, like other Ohio-class strategic submarines, can carry more than 100 nuclear warheads (3-8 for each missile). The Trident II (D5) has a maximum launch range of over 12,000 kilometres.

8 of the 14 Ohio-class submarines operate in the Pacific Ocean. The area of responsibility of the remaining submarines is the Atlantic. The USS Kentucky recently visited the Republic of Korea for the first time since 1981.