Czechoslovak Group has mated the KHAN medium-range ballistic missile with a launcher on a Tatra 815-7 chassis

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 26.07.2023, 14:14

Czech company Czechoslovak Group will show a Tatra truck-based launcher for the KHAN ballistic missile at the International Defence Industry Fair (IDEF 2023).

Here's What We Know

KHAN is a Turkish medium-range ballistic missile, an export variant of the Bora missile. It is capable of hitting targets up to 280 kilometres away. The total weight is 2.5 tonnes including the warhead weighing almost 500 kg.

The ballistic missile is designed to destroy enemy artillery, air and missile defence systems. Navigation is performed by inertial system, GPS or GLONASS.

Czechoslovak Group was able to integrate the system on a Tatra 815-7 chassis with 8x8 wheels. The launcher consists of two containers, each containing one KHAN ballistic missile.

Source: @praisethesteph