Ukrainian volunteers collect UAH 175 million for 100 kamikaze drones for the AFU, they carry 30kg of explosives and fly up to 800km

By: Myroslav Trinko | 10.10.2023, 09:02

The Serhiy Prytula Foundation, together with activist Serhiy Sternenko and volunteer Igor Lachenkov, are collecting UAH 175m for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Here's What We Know

The collection was called "Mozhem pavtarit". With the funds raised, the volunteers plan to buy 100 kamikaze drones for the Ukrainian defenders. What exactly these UAVs are is still unknown. There is only information that such drones can carry up to 30kg of explosives and they can fly up to 800 kilometres. More information about the collection can be found on the official website of the Serhiy Prytula Foundation.

By the way, the "Mozhem Pavtarit" collection is a continuation of last year's "Na pomstu" collection, during which Ukrainians bought 142 drones for the Defence Forces.