The New York Times: the US has developed a new version of the FrankenSAM surface-to-air missile system for Ukraine; it can fire missiles from the MIM-104 Patriot SAM system.

By: Myroslav Trinko | 30.10.2023, 10:16

We recently wrote that the US and Ukraine have created the FrankenSAM air defence system based on the Buk SAM system, which can launch RIM-7 Sea Sparrow missiles. As it turned out, there is another version of the surface-to-air missile system.

Here's What We Know

The information was shared by the American edition of The New York Times. We are talking about the FrankenSAM version, which can fire missiles from the MIM-104 Patriot SAM system.

According to the report, the U.S. has already successfully tested the system at the White Sands range in New Mexico. The new version of the SAM system consists of a Soviet-made launcher as well as a Ukrainian radar station. There is no information yet on which launcher is used in the system. Presumably, it could be a Buk or S-300 SAM.

Deliveries of the new version of the FrankenSAM should begin this winter.

Source: The New York Times