The AFU has received French Akeron MP 5th generation PTRKs, which can hit targets at a distance of up to 5 km

By: Myroslav Trinko | 10.11.2023, 14:11

The Ukrainian army has received French 5th generation Akeron MP anti-tank missile systems.

Here's What We Know

The information was shared by our colleagues from Militarny (, citing the words of a French MP of the French National Assembly, Lionel Royer-Perrot. The MP confirmed the transfer of the complexes during the hearings on military support for Ukraine.


The Akeron MP is a French 5th generation lightweight multi-mission missile system. It has a 15kg missile and can engage targets up to 5km away. The missile can be launched by hand or from a vehicle. The main feature of the Akeron MP is an infrared optical homing system.
