Japan may transfer missiles for Patriot air defence systems to Ukraine via the United States

By: Myroslav Trinko | 20.12.2023, 14:05

Ukraine may receive interceptor missiles for the US Patriot air defence system from Japan.

Here's What We Know

The information was shared by the American edition of The Washington Post. It is expected that this week Japan will officially approve policy changes that will allow it to export to the United States several dozen missiles for SAMs. After that, Washington will be able to poison them to Ukraine. By the way, Japan is producing missiles for Patriot under licence from Raytheon.


Patriot is an air defence missile system developed by the US company Raytheon. It consists of an air interception missile and a high-performance radar system. The probability of hitting an aircraft is 0.8-0.9, while the probability of hitting a tactical missile is 0.6-0.8. The cost of one missile is about $3 million. The AFU now has three batteries of SAMs in service. Two batteries were transferred by Germany and one by the US together with its allies.

Source: The Washington Post