Journalists of gaming portals note the highest technical state of Starfield: the game has a minimal number of bugs

By: Anton Kratiuk | 28.08.2023, 22:03

Fans of Bethesda Game Studios games know that the American company's projects always have a lot of different and unexpected bugs. But it seems that Todd Howard's company has learnt from the past mistakes and will not repeat them in Starfield.

Here's What We Know

Journalist and insider Tom Henderson talked to colleagues who received press copies of Starfield, and all of them confirmed that during the time spent in the game, they met a minimal number of bugs. They, literally, "can be counted on the fingers of one hand".

Journalists have already informed the developers about the detected bugs and most likely with the release of the first day patch all of them will be fixed.

By the way, Digital Foundry experts (with the permission of Todd Howard) reported that the technical part of Starfield also does not cause any complaints.

We will learn more detailed comments from journalists, critics and experts on the 31st of August, when the first reviews and reviews for Starfield will be published.

When We Can Expect It

Starfield will be released on the 6th of September on PC and Xbox Series.

On the 1st of September the buyers of extended editions will be able to go on a space journey.

Source: Insider Gaming