343 Industries says it is working on "brand new projects"

By: Dmitro Koval | 22.01.2024, 14:36

Still, Halo Infinite didn't wow gamers in the way that 343 Industries and Microsoft apparently expected and it looks like the company is now preparing to stop supporting the shooter, or at least taking the first steps in that direction with 343 Industries announcing that Halo Infinite won't have new seasons in the future and instead will move to a once-a-month update model.

Here's What We Know

But what does this mean for 343 Industries' future plans? Well, as one might assume, the developer is focusing on new games in development, as confirmed during the latest live community broadcast by Senior Community Manager John Junyszek:

"We have a dedicated team working on supporting Halo Infinite and continuing to deliver new content going forward, but also, yes, we have additional teams that are accelerating towards the future, working on brand new projects. There are a lot of things cooking here."

Last January, it was reported that 343 Industries almost hit the restart button after mass layoffs, as part of which the studio allegedly scrapped its internal Slipspace engine in favour of Unreal Engine 5 to develop future projects. Recently, profiles of current and former 343 Industries employees on LinkedIn also hinted that the developer is developing a new Halo game on Unreal Engine 5.

Source: GamingBolt