60-кратный ультразум Samsung SMART Camera WB2200F с несъемным батарейным блоком

На CES 2014 уже было показано немало фотоаппаратов, в том числе и ультразумов, но Samsung удалось слегка удивить камерой SMART Camera WB2200F. Она представляет из себя ультразум с 60-кратным оптическим увеличением и довольно необычной формой, как для такого класса устройств. Визуально она больше походит на зеркалку с подключенным батарейным блоком-ручкой. В данном случае он несъемный, благодаря ему фотографировать вертикально должно быть комфортнее.

Объектив Samsung с 60х зумом и фокусным расстоянием 20-1200 мм в 35 мм эквиваленте, диафрагма - f/2.8-5.9, матрица - 16.3 мегапикселя с обратной подсветкой, размер 1/2.3 дюйма, присутствует оптическая стабилизация изображения. Диапазон светочувствительности ISO - от 80 до 6400. Есть электронный видоискатель и дисплей с диагональю 3 дюйма. Камера умеет писать видео в разрешении FullHD 30 кадров в секунду. Присутствуют выходы AV и HDMI 1.4 для подключения к телевизору.

Присутствуют модули Wi-Fi и NFC, благодаря Tag&Go фотографии можно сбрасывать и расшаривать, а смартфон использовать в качестве пульта ДУ. Габариты камеры: 119х121.8х35.5(98.7) мм, вес - 608 г. Цена и сроки начала продаж пока не названы.
LAS VEGAS, US – January 07, 2014 – Photographers with an eye for detail can now get even closer to the action with the Samsung WB2200F, a Super Bridge Long Zoom camera featuring an incredible 60x Optical Zoom. This premium model is intuitively designed and offers a powerful optical performance ideal for photographers who value high quality imagery, while the long life battery allows users to indulge their passion for longer periods of time than ever before.
Tag & Go : Simply Tap to Share Memories
Boasting the latest Smart Connectivity features, the WB2200F is equipped with NFC and Wi-Fi capabilities so that photographers can share their creations easily and quickly. The brand new ‘Tag & Go’ feature even goes one step further, seamlessly connecting the WB2200F with smartphones through simply touching the two devices together, no configuration required. This then enables a host of clever features designed to improve both usability and functionality. Photo Beam sends photos being viewed on the camera straight to smartphones, while AutoShare saves images straight to smartphone in real time, removing the burden of manually backing up pictures. With Remote Viewfinder photographers can use their smartphone to control the WB2200F, a great solution for setting up group or individual shots, while Mobile Link allows the transfer of selected images to smartphones to help organize the viewing experience.
Featuring a 16MP BSI CMOS sensor, the WB2200F produces images alive with color and rich in detail so that the resulting pictures are just as real as the scenes themselves. The outstanding 60x Optical Zoom allows photographers to capture more intimate shots and get closer to their subject, ensuring that images taken from afar retain impressive detail and accuracy. With the option to operate the zoom at double speed, or to go directly from zero to 60x zoom, the range of flexible shooting options provide greater image control to help secure the desired shots. With a 20mm Ultra Wide angle users can pack even more into the frame to create vibrant images which don't miss a thing. 1080/30p Full HD Movie recording delivers high quality video, which can be enjoyed in in brilliant detail on the 75.0mm (3.0-inch) hVGA LCD screen that also displays the device’s EVF.
With a dual-grip, portable and sleek black casing and solid professional appearance, the WB2200F is comfortable and easy to hold. Its Electronic Viewfinder makes photographer’s jobs easier and more pleasurable, and the device’s i-Function control is another advanced element of its offering that facilitates full manual control accessed through the touch of a button. Amateur and expert photographers alike can benefit from Smart Mode, a range of automatic modes which offer the ideal settings for any shooting scenario. Whether it is capturing the beauty of a setting sun with 'Sunset' mode or the excitement of a fast paced sporting event with 'Action Freeze' mode, Smart Mode does the work so that users can simply concentrate on enjoying the photography experience.