US may purchase NASAMS air defense systems for Ukraine

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 27.06.2022, 09:33

In the near future, the Armed Forces of Ukraine may receive air defense systems NASAMS American-Norwegian production.

What is known

This publication reports CNN citing own sources. During the current week, the United States will report on additional deliveries of military aid to Ukraine. The package includes ammunition and counter-battery radars, but according to CNN, The White House may announce the purchase of medium and long-range air defense systems for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

NASAMS - a mobile air defense system for the destruction of maneuvering targets at low and medium altitudes. The complex was developed in the early 90s of the last century by the Norwegian company Kongsberg Defense with the participation of the American Raytheon. The air defense system entered service with the Norwegian Armed Forces in 1994.

Range of missiles AIM-120AMRAAM is 20-40 km, and the maximum height is 20 km. The cost of one battery NASAMS-3 in 2020 was about $65 million. It includes 2-3 launchers, a command post and several missiles AIM-120. One rocket, depending on the modification, costs $0.5-1 million

Source: CNN

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