Iran has developed the unique Arash-2 drone specifically to destroy Israel

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 13.09.2022, 16:36

Iran created an unmanned drone specifically to attack Israeli cities, including Haifa and Tel Aviv. The drone is called the Arash-2.

Here's What We Know

The development of the long-range UAV was announced by Brigadier General Kiomars Heidari. It is logical to assume that Arash-2 is an improved version of the Arash-1 drone (pictured above). The general himself confirmed this, but Iran keeps the characteristics of the drone a secret. But it is known that the UAV has already been handed over to the ground forces for military exercises.

Kiomars Heidari calls the Arash-2 a "unique" drone. According to the general, during the flight the drone "can recover several times" until it hits the target, but it is unclear what that means. But it is clear exactly what Iran needs the new UAV for - «to destroy Israel». That is what General Heidari said on state television.

Another feature of the Arash-2 is that the drone can hit the same enemy targets as the Fath ballistic missile. By the way, Heidari also reminded that Iran has great missile capabilities and has strategic drones with a range of 2,000 km.

Source: AA

Image: nournews

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