France may transfer to Ukraine up to 12 additional Caesar guns with improved armor and 36 rounds of ammunition

By: Myroslav Trinko | 03.10.2022, 09:13

According to the French newspaper Le Monde, the French government is considering transferring additional Caesar self-propelled artillery units to Ukraine.

Here's What We Know

According to the media we are talking about 6-12 units. They were originally ordered by Denmark, but now negotiations are underway to transfer the SAMs to the AFU. Presumably, the Danish government is ready to take such a step and give some of its units to Ukraine. By the way, the Danish Caesar SAUs are slightly different from the French ones. They have more weight, better armor and ammunition contains 36 rounds, not 18.


The Caesar is a French 155 mm SAU designed to destroy manpower, artillery batteries and bunkers, as well as to provide passages in minefields and field barriers. The maximum range of the SAU is 42 km, although a projectile with a range of up to 70 km has recently been introduced for installation. The Caesar SAU is capable of firing six rounds per minute. It is operated by a crew of 4-5 people. Now there are 18 such units in Ukraine.

Source: Le Monde