The developers of the online action game Marvel Rivals have unveiled a trailer of one of the maps called Yggsgard

By: Anton Kratiuk | 13.04.2024, 12:36

NetEase's competitive action game Marvel Rivals was recently unveiled.

Gamers were shown a colourful announcement trailer, but there were no more details about the obvious Overwatch competitor.

In May the closed alpha testing of Marvel Rivals will take place and the developers started to introduce the game to the public.

Here's What We Know

The Marvel Entertainment channel published a video about one of the available Marvel Rivals maps called Yggsgard.

This location was formed as a result of a careless experiment with the flow of time, which led to the merger of Asgard (Kingdom of the Gods) and Yggdrasil (World Tree from Scandinavian mythology).

On this map players will see majestic buildings and luxurious halls.

Probably in the near future gamers will be presented other locations and possibly characters.

Everyone is welcome to apply for Marvel Rivals alpha testing.

Source: Marvel Entertainment.