What fans have been waiting for: Silent Hill: The Short Message is a full-fledged PC and console game, which will be announced very soon

By: Anton Kratiuk | 26.09.2022, 19:19

Today it became known that the Korean Age Commission has rated the unannounced game Silent Hill: The Short Message.

Authoritative insider Dusk Golem was quick to add his own information to the news. According to his information, the new project is exactly what the fans of the series have been waiting for many years: a full-fledged video game, not a mobile game or another arcade machine.

According to Dusk Golem, the working title of the project is Sakura. The game will be in some way tied to SMS messages, apparently this is hinted at by the subtitle: "The Short Message".

Dusk Golem stressed that the rating from the Korean commission means the game is ready for an official launch. He predicts that Silent Hill: The Short Message will be released in October.

Go Deeper:

As we were repeatedly informed by professional media, Konami is developing several Silent Hill games, one of which is being developed by Bloober Team, a Polish studio, while the other one is being created by Annapurna Interactive, an indie game studio.