Secrecy revealed: users discover secret gameplay for intriguing RPG The Thaumaturge

By: Anton Kratiuk | 01.03.2023, 16:46

The debut trailer for The Thaumaturge managed to excite gamers with its unusual setting and dark style. It intrigued, but did not show gameplay footage of the project by Fool's Theory and 11 Bit Studios.

It turned out that the video also contained an unobvious link, by clicking on which users found The Thaumaturge gameplay trailer.

Here's What We Know

Thanks to Twitter user Borys Nieśpielak, this secret has become known to all.

In the hidden video, you can see how a character moves through the dark streets of an alternative Warsaw in 1905, with the camera positioned on top, like in the classic isometric RPG.

The trailer shows a few shots of battles with enemies, which in The Thaumaturge take place in turn-based mode.

Both trailers (announcement and stealth) are lacking in information, so we'll have to wait for more footage from the developers.

When We Can Expect It

The Thaumaturge will be released "soon", and from the looks of it, the game will only be available on PC.