Musk has set up dormitories for employees at Twitter's headquarters. He himself often stays in the office overnight, too

By: Elena Shcherban | 08.12.2022, 23:20

The new owner of Twitter, Elon Musk, seems to want his employees to literally live at work. For this purpose, he has equipped dormitories in the office, and, as employees say, he often stays overnight at the Twitter headquarters.

Here's What We Know

Several employees who shared information on condition of anonymity said that when they came to work, they noticed rooms in the office that had been converted into bedrooms, with beds, curtains, and some other furniture.

One source notes that employees were not even informed or discussed these changes with them, which he considered an unspoken sign of disrespect.

Earlier, Musk published a tweet in which he promised to sleep and work in the office "until the organization is running smoothly." That message was later deleted. But one of the fired employees admitted that Musk did indeed often stay overnight in the office. Employees of Tesla and other Musk-owned companies who were invited to work at Twitter also slept in the office.

In any case, it's better than sleeping on the floor in a sleeping bag, as one Twitter employee demonstrated in November.

Incidentally, the use of Twitter's office as a hotel has been the subject of a complaint to the City of San Francisco and an investigation has been launched.

Source: BBC, Forbes

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