Germany will send 20 launchers and 2,000 Hydra 70 laser guided missiles APKWS to Ukraine

By: Maksim Panasovskyi | 21.08.2022, 12:49

This week, Germany announced the transfer of new weapons to Ukraine. In addition to Gepard anti-aircraft tanks, Vulcano projectiles and M113 armored personnel carriersUkraine will receive pickup-based launchers.

What we know

Germany will give Ukraine 20 pickup-based launchers for Hydra 70 laser guided missiles APKWS. Ukraine will also receive 2,000 70 mm rockets, the transfer of which was paid for by the United States.

Recall information that the Armed Forces of Ukraine would receive such missiles appeared several months ago. The contract amounted to $22.6 million, but at that time there was no information on the launches of the missiles. Now everything is clear.

Four Hydra 70 rockets next to the AGM-114 Hellfire

As for the Hydra 70 rockets themselves, they are designed to destroy enemy manpower and equipment. Manufacturer of unguided rockets is the American company General Dynamics.

Source: Bundesregierung

Image: Arnold Defense, Wikipedia

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