Spanish Eurofighter Typhoons in Estonia put on alert to intercept Russian planes

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 10.09.2022, 18:35

Spanish Eurofighter Typhoons at the Amary military base in Estonia are put on alert and begin combat missions.

Here's What We Know

Spain has sent four Air Force fighters to Estonia, where the Bundeswehr planes were already on alert. Until September 3 German and Spanish mechanics and pilots were trained to work together and conducted training flights at different times of the day.

Since September 4, Eurofighter Typhoons have been providing 24/7 rapid response services. It takes 15 minutes to deploy. The fighters will intercept unidentified aircraft violating Baltic airspace. First of all, we are talking about aircraft from Russia. Recently, German Typhoons intercepted more than a dozen planes of Russian forces in the skies over the Baltic Sea.

Thanks to the compatibility of allied weapons systems, German pilots can use Spanish planes and vice versa. The same goes for weapons. This is the first such case within the framework of NATO missions.

Source: InfoDefensa

Image: The Aviationist

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