Finland transferred 130 mm M-46 howitzers to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

By: Myroslav Trinko | 29.09.2023, 11:44

Military analysts @UAWeapons published a video of M-46 howitzers in the hands of the AFU.

Here's What We Know

According to analysts, Ukraine received this type of weaponry from Finland. How many howitzers were transferred in total - there is no information. But it is known that Finland bought 144 units of M-46 from the Soviet Union in the 60s and 166 units in 1993 from East Germany.

The M-46 has a towed design. The declared maximum range of fire with fragmentation-fragmentation shells is 27 kilometres. If active-jet ammunition is used, the range will increase to 37 km. By the way, apart from Finland, Ukraine also received a batch of M-46 from Croatia.

Source: @UAWeapons,