Steam Deck will start sending out the previously scheduled

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 01.08.2022, 13:46

(source: Valve)

After Steam Deck went to release, the offerings in no way kept up with demand: large queues began to be created for several months. Now Valve has good news : Production of the device is getting better and waiting times have shortened.

The company has updated the shipping windows for those waiting:

  • Anyone already in the queue will receive an email offering to buy the Steam Deck during 2022.
  • Many buyers who were in the "fourth quarter or later" window have moved closer to the third quarter (July-September).
  • Everyone else will definitely get in between October and December.
  • At the moment, new handheld wannabes can still catch delivery in the fourth quarter, but if the queue proves to be too long, reservations will begin to move to 2023.

According to Valve, the accelerated timeline is due to the fact that many obstacles in the production chain have been removed. As a result, the company can produce more devices in less time.


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