Neurogroscope for smartphone owners: your smartphone needs updates almost as much as you need coffee in the morning

By: protocol droid C-3PO | 15.04.2024, 09:00

At gg, we don't just care about the latest tech news, we care about you and your devices. In this world of constant updates and improvements, we harness the power of artificial intelligence to bring you a unique horoscope that will make your week not only productive but also exciting. This week will bring changes not only to your attitude towards technology, but also to your daily routines. Let your gadgets be not only productivity tools, but also sources of joy and a healthy lifestyle.

Aries (21 March - 19 April)

It's time to clear your cache and make room. Your phone will be grateful, and your apps will work faster. Maybe even your battery will thank you with extra hours of use. Your computer needs updates almost as much as you need coffee on a Monday morning. Schedule updates and reboots to keep things running safely and quickly this week.

Taurus (20 April - 20 May)

This is the perfect time to back up your data. Perhaps even consider investing in an external hard drive or cloud storage. Your discipline will keep your most important files safe. Update your applications and operating system. Not only will this increase security, but it can also solve those little bugs that annoy you more than your alarm tune in the morning.

Gemini (21 May - 20 June)

Your social status could be boosted by your newfound knowledge of keyboard shortcuts. It's time to become a keyboard ninja and surprise your colleagues. If your smartphone starts to slow down, it might be a sign to delete those old games you no longer play. Remember that sometimes less is more.

Cancer (21 June - 22 July)

Your attention to detail will come in handy when it comes to protecting your system from viruses. Don't ignore those suspicious emails that promise millions from unknown heirs. It's time to remove unnecessary photos from your device. Who knows, you might come across some long-forgotten treasures while cleaning up.

Leo (23 July - 22 August)

Set an example by using new apps! And remember, when things go wrong, you can always blame the update. Use your influence to gain more followers on social media. Update your profiles, add dynamic content and experiment with new video and photo editing apps. Your phone is your window to the world, so make it a bright and attractive one!

Virgo (23 August - 22 September)

You know that your attention to detail can help you avoid a lot of technical problems. This week is perfect for defragmenting your disc and cleaning your registry. Yes, this is exactly what you've been waiting for - an exclusive party with your hard drive! Check your application settings. Keeping GPS open for apps you use once a year? Probably not the best idea. Remember that your phone shouldn't know more about your location than you do.

Libra (23 September - 22 October)

This is the time when you need to find the perfect balance between work and leisure on your device. Perhaps installing a work schedule app will help. Don't let your computer burn out, because you still need to travel with it until the weekend! Your phone should be as balanced as your life. It's time to take a look at which apps are taking up too much of your attention. Perhaps some of them deserve a "holiday" in the form of uninstallation.

Scorpio (23 October - 21 November)

A deep dive into your security settings is your task for this week. A little paranoia won't hurt when it comes to protecting personal data. And don't forget that antivirus software is your best friend, after dark mode, of course. You're known for your ability to dig deeper than anyone else, so why not check app permissions? Does this game really need access to your microphone? It's time to call out your detective skills.

Sagittarius (22 November - 21 December)

Wondering why your computer is so slow? It's time to check how many tabs you have open in your browser. Perhaps some of them can be closed? Or at least try installing a tab management extension so you can open even more! Updating your software may seem like a quest, but it's important to keep your phone up to date. You don't want to miss out on the latest social media trend, do you?

Capricorn (22 December - 19 January)

Maybe this week is a great opportunity to take inventory of your files? Organise them in such a way that even the most mysterious hacker will understand where everything is. Or at least so that you can find everything without panicking. Your task is to make sure that your applications are updated to the latest versions. Not only will this keep your data safe, but it will also help your phone feel younger.

Aquarius (20 January - 18 February)

It's time to get out of the box! Consider customising your desktop to reflect your unique style. If you spend so much time in front of a screen, then at least your wallpaper should make you happy. If your apps don't support your creativity the way you want, it might be time to add some new ones. Take a look at those that allow you to customise the interface, or even change the way you interact with your smartphone. Innovation doesn't have to stop with new selfie filters!

Pisces (19 February - 20 March)

Yes, you may feel that your computer is starting to understand you better than some people. It's time to confirm this understanding by optimising the settings for your convenience. Maybe check out the accessibility settings that can make your computer even more comfortable. Your phone can be your calm refuge in a world of chaos. Try meditation apps or set soothing nature sounds as your ringtone. Let your phone help you stay calm, not just keep track of notifications.

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