Oclean Flow Sonic Budget Electric Toothbrush Review

By: Nina Glushchenko | 31.08.2021, 14:51

Oclean Flow Sonic is a very budget entry into the segment of electric toothbrushes. The model is cool by design and long battery life (up to half a year). Thanks to five operating modes you can choose the cleaning that suits your mood and needs. Its advantages are quiet operation and good price. But after getting acquainted with the Oclean app, you immediately want not a simple electric brush, but a smart one. Especially since this brand offers quite inexpensive brushes which are connected to a smartphone. Perhaps for those who prefer to spend a bigger amount on a new useful gadget there is a wide range of choices. As for this model, I can't really find fault with it.


  • Ecosystem Xiaomi is a kind of guarantee of quality for budget devices
  • Excellent design and performance
  • Silent operation
  • 5 preset modes
  • Reasonable price


  • Not a smart brush


Oclean Flow Sonic Electric Toothbrush
Oclean Flow Sonic Electric Toothbrush
This is a simple model of an electric toothbrush that is nevertheless well made, easy to use and quite technologically advanced: its motor runs at 38,000 rpm, it is IPX7 waterproof, 5 modes of operation differing in motor speed and type movements. And it can also work from one charge up to 6 months with daily use.

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Brand Oclean

Oclean is part of Xiaomi multiple bundle of brands. Xiaomi produces low-cost electric toothbrushes, irrigators and sanitizers under the brand. Oclean is also the name of the app to which the brand's smart models are connected. At the same time, Xiaomi has a separate, own line of electric brushes, which differ significantly in design and cost somewhat less. That is, Oclean is still an independent company. 


The brush came to us for review from China. It was packed in a bag with polyethylene bubble wrap, but it did not save the box from contact with harder objects. All in all, it was significantly wrinkled. But the brush and the contents of the box were not damaged. The package includes the device itself, one replacement brush, a charger, and a manual. Perhaps it is thanks to a partnership with Xiaomi that all the products that accompany the Oclean brushes are localized.

Oclean Flow Sonic Design

The Oclean Flow Sonic is available in two colors: blue and pearl white. We had the pearl white for the review. And judging by the renderings, the blue one is good too. The pearly color hints at the perfect tooth color that regular brushing with this brush will lead you to.

Although Flow Sonic is not a smart device and does not connect to your smartphone, it has several modes of brushing your teeth. You have to switch between them the old-fashioned way - by pressing a key. 

The multi-mode nature of the device is the basis of the design. The pearl white body is streaked with light gray stripes. The stripes have icons of different cleaning modes. When a mode is active, its icon is highlighted. The switch button itself is also lit.

The brush is unaccustomedly long, even by the standards of its electric cousins. And although it is quite stable, this length makes it seem that it can easily be turned upside down. It feels like there is no support at the bottom, which would be wider than the body and give stability to the brush. But in fact, no stand can significantly affect the ergonomics because of the length. For those who want reliability, the manufacturer makes a wall mount that can be ordered separately for $9.99. And also a travel-case for $12.99.

The replacement brush head is put on tightly, and I was left with a small space between the two parts of the device.

Despite the aforementioned gap, the brush looks and feels good. The word "budget" can only be applied to the price. It has nothing to do with the appearance.

Besides the gap, there is one more nuance that can annoy the perfectionist. The body of the device is matte. And the head is glossy. The silver trim of the brush body runs between them, but it's still noticeable. However, who of you is the long-lasting admirer of a toothbrush?

The model fits well in your hand, the weight is comfortable and your hand does not get tired. The button of mode switch is placed just under your finger. You can't change modes during cleaning, but it's quick and easy to do.

The Oclean Flow Sonic is charged via USB, Type-C connector is located at the bottom behind the plug.

How Does It Work?

The speed of the model is 38000 rpm. Is that a lot or a little? About 127 times faster than if you were brushing your teeth by hand, the manufacturer's website calculates. Compared to the previous generation, the speed has almost doubled. 

Flow Sonic has five modes of operation: morning, night, standard cleaning, whitening and gentle. The brush defaults to the mode last used.

Power and speed increase in ascending order for the first four modes. The last one, on the contrary, is quiet. By the way, it is great to massage the gums in this mode (my assumption and my experience, the manufacturer does not indicate this characteristic anywhere). Also, it feels that the movement of the brush in different modes is slightly different. In the "whitening" mode, it moves as if jerking. Unfortunately, nowhere in the specifications the speed of operation in different modes in the number of revolutions is not specified. But on the manufacturer's website it is in asterisks.

Flow Sonic has a built-in timer: it alerts you every 30 seconds of brushing and turns off the brush after two minutes.

The manufacturer indicates that it uses special ultrasonic technology that mutes the brush. I can't say that it is completely silent. But indeed even at maximum speed it is pretty quiet.

The manual says that there may be some discomfort at first, but it will go away after 7-14 days. I had a regular brush before this device, and I haven't used an electric one for a while now. I will say that it was unpleasant, but literally only the first time. And it was more unusual than uncomfortable. After cleaning the feeling of freshness remains longer than after manual cleaning. The device is compatible with dental braces.

How Long Does It Work?

The brush has a 2500 mAh battery. The manufacturer promises up to 180 days of use without recharging. In a week of use, of course, the brush could not be discharged. If the charge has dropped below 10%, you should be notified by a flashing red light.

5 Things to Know about Oclean Flow Sonic Electric Toothbrush:

  1. Oclean brand is a part of Xiaomi ecosystem
  2. It is one of the most affordable quality models in our market
  3. It has a good design and performance
  4. It works quietly, you can get used to it quickly, easy to understand the work
  5. No need to think about charging for about six months

Oclean Flow Sonic Electric Toothbrush
This is a simple model of an electric toothbrush that is nevertheless well made, easy to use and quite technologically advanced: its motor runs at 38,000 rpm, it is IPX7 waterproof, 5 modes of operation differing in motor speed and type movements. And it can also work from one charge up to 6 months with daily use.

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