Xiaomi launched an investigation into the causes of the explosion of POCO M3

By: Maksim Panasovskyi | 29.11.2021, 14:37

The other day in India the battery in the POCO M3 smartphone exploded... Xiaomi has already launched an investigation into the causes of the battery explosion.

What is known

The brother of the owner of the smartphone told about the incident on Twitter (the entry has already been deleted). But the photo shows that the device is almost completely burned out, although the upper part with the main camera and the brand logo survived. Details of the incident were not disclosed.

Representatives of the POCO brand immediately contacted the victims, and two days later announced the start of an investigation into the causes of spontaneous combustion of the battery. As always, the company recalled that user safety is a priority for it, and that all phones undergo strict quality control.

Note that recently in India exploded POCO X3... Then, during the investigation, it was possible to establish that the smartphone was renovated in an unauthorized SCwhere a non-original display was installed. Nevertheless, the company presented the injured owner with a new phone. We will find out very soon how things will be in the case of the POCO M3.