Ubisoft has released a gameplay video from the new DLC about Joseph Sid for Far Cry 6

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 07.02.2022, 20:01
Ubisoft has released a gameplay video from the new DLC about Joseph Sid for Far Cry 6

Ubisoft has not betrayed its tradition of showing the gameplay add-ons for Far Cry one day before its release. So it was with the new addition of "Collapse", the protagonist of which was the antagonist of Far Cry 5 Joseph Sid. 

"Collapse" will bring players to the mind of the antagonist. He suffers from the failure he experienced in FC 5. Hearing a voice in his head, which he perceived as divine, the fanatic goes in search of three main memories - this is the main purpose of the supplement. Well, he may face minor tasks that will make thieves stronger and help him find the right memories. 

The supplement also contains some elements of the "bagel". Joseph starts his journey with a pistol, but after earning enough money and resources, he will be able to pump his weapons and discover new skills.