Google to kill call-recording apps on Play Store on May 11

By: Philippa Axinous | 21.04.2022, 13:05
Google to kill call-recording apps on Play Store on May 11

Starting with Android 10, Google killed call recording by default and on May 11, the company is implementing new Google Play Store policies preventing third-party apps from using the Accessibility API for recording the call audio stream.

Those changes are towards improved privacy and security as call recording laws across the world vary quite a bit. However, system, pre-installed apps that already have permission to tap on the Accessibility API won’t be affected by the change.

Pixel’s and Xiaomi’s dialers, for example, are two exceptions to the rule. This is considered a native call recording functionality. Although Google has not yet disclosed plans to address these issues, it is reasonable to assume that additional policies will be developed in the future.

