Tales of Arise has sold over 2 million copies

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 28.04.2022, 18:13
Tales of Arise has sold over 2 million copies

Bandai Namco has announced that its JRPG Tales of Arise has crossed a new milestone with a circulation of 2 million copies sold. This includes both physical and digital copies of the game. 

Six months ago, in October last year, the developer boasted one and a half million sales of the game. Thus, in six months, 500 thousand copies were sold. 

Tales of Arise - this is one of the best Japanese role-playing games in recent years - it is interesting to follow the plot, to take part in battles, and just admire the art. Of the shortcomings can be distinguished only a bust with plot pathos and repetitive music.

Tales of Arise is available for PC (on Steam), Xbox and PlayStation.