The RPG "Blade Runner" desktop RPG looks great, and it only took 3 minutes to get funding

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 04.05.2022, 11:40
The RPG "Blade Runner" desktop RPG looks great, and it only took 3 minutes to get funding

The role-playing game "Blade Runner" from Free League was announced last year, and today it has already reached the crowdfunding platform and was fully funded in just three minutes. 

The RPG will send players to Los Angeles in 2037, where they will hunt replicants and explore mysteries inspired by the classic Sherlock Holmes series of desk detectives. 

"The main game and its line of extensions will expand the boundaries of the investigative gameplay in desktop RPGs, providing players with a range of tools to deal with a range of cases that go far beyond Replicants," Kickstarter said in a statement. Exciting thing! Expect corporate intrigue, existential crises and paranoia, trying to figure out who to trust and who to replicate. 

Now that the project is fully funded, it is a long time to achieve the goals, most of which seem to have been unblocked. These goals include a full-color map of 2037 Los Angeles, archetypes of bonus characters and special dice. At the bottom of the list, which is likely to be unlocked soon, is a handy virtual desktop edition.

The Free League has been doing a lot of good TTRPGs lately, such as the fantastic Alien RPG and the recent new release of The One Ring. 

Source: PCGamer