iOS 16 accessibility features likely to benefit everyone, argues Macworld

By: Philippa Axinous | 18.05.2022, 16:05
iOS 16 accessibility features likely to benefit everyone, argues Macworld

Apple yesterday previewed some iOS 16 accessibility features we can look forward to, including live captions, Apple Watch mirroring, and door detection.

It’s often been argued that accessibility features in general can benefit everyone, not just the target group, and Macworld argues that this is the case for all three of the above features …

Accessibility for all

There are two arguments for accessibility features benefiting everyone.

The first is that it forces designers to think in new ways, and that kind of creativity often sparks ideas that otherwise might have been missed. This is the positive side of law of unintended results.

For example, closed captions on videos were initially designed for people who are deaf or hard of hearing, but now many people like to use captions – whether it’s to help with accents, or simply to be able to watch shows with the sound off.

Automatic doors were first intended for use by those who use wheelchairs and crutches, but now also benefit shoppers who have their hands full.

Screen reader were created to assist visually impaired and blind people. However, things such as having messages delivered to you while driving have been hugely beneficial to many.

Upcoming iOS 16 accessibility features

Live captions, for example, is great for deaf and hard-of-hearing people, but better audio transcription is something we could all use, says Macworld’s Jason Cross.

It’s a natural extension of the on-device speech processing that was introduced last year in iOS 15, but it speaks to a big improvement in the sophistication of that feature.

We hope that this will improve Siri’s understanding and dictation of your commands, but it is possible to see the features in other locations. Take for example, the Notes app, where one can imagine a “transcribe” feature to create text out of any audio recording or video. If Apple’s billing it as an accessibility feature, Live Caption’s transcription will need to be rock-solid, and it opens up a world of possibilities for the rest of iOS 16.

Door recognition should improve object-recognition and provide benefits to AR applications. But it’s Apple Watch mirroring that Cross thinks could be most exciting.

This seems to allow devices to communicate intent and control in ways that AirPlay does not currently. AirPlay allows devices to play and pause audio or video, but it also lets them control volume and play/pause. However, AirPlay compatible devices could be able to communicate advanced touch commands which would allow for some amazing new features.

Here’s a killer scenario: If Apple can mirror your Apple Watch to your iPhone and allow you to fully interact with it, it could probably mirror your iPhone to your Mac or iPad and do the same! That alone would be a game-changing feature.

9to5Mac’s Take

We are definitely on the side of accessibility features being beneficial for all, as Cross makes an excellent case.

The latter in particular. Catalyst app are one way, but there were times when it was easier to just mirror my iPhone to my Mac and control it.
