The Turkish company Meteksan Savunma built a radar for detecting sea mines into the ANKA UAV

By: Myroslav Trinko | 31.05.2022, 15:30

In Turkey, she showed an unmanned aerial vehicle that can search for sea mines.

What is known

We are talking about the ANKA UAV, which was developed by the local company Meteksan Savunma. The drone was equipped with the MILSAR synthetic aperture radar and the SAR/MTI moving target indicator. Thanks to this bundle, the UAV is able to scan large areas of the sea surface, take detailed images and find drifting mines in real time. 

Such drones have already begun to be used by Turkishnaval forces. By the way, Turkey has become one of the few countries in the world that can now detect mines from the air using UAVs.

For those who are not in the know

ANKA is a Turkish reconnaissance and attack unmanned aerial vehicle. It is named after the Phoenix, a mythological creature called Zümrüd-ü Anka in Turkish. The drone has a wingspan of 17.5 meters and a weight of about 1700 kg. It can fly up to 250 km. ANKA's operating time is over 30 hours.

Source: Military

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