EU about to finalize law on a common charger standard on June 7

By: Michael Korgs | 03.06.2022, 19:48
EU about to finalize law on a common charger standard on June 7

The EU Committee for the regulation of the internal market and consumer protection has long been trying to approve a single standard for the connector for chargers. The vast majority of modern electronics, including smartphones, are charged using USB Type-C. It is planned to be adopted as standard. Only Apple is against, which does not want to abandon its own standard.

It looks like the final decision will be made in the coming days. If the rumors are true, EU countries and EU lawmakers are set to agree on a common charging port for mobile phones, tablets and headphones on June 7. But some issues are yet to be finalized – some lawmakers are pushing for laptops to be included in the regulations as well. Many laptops already use USB-C, but there are plenty that still use proprietary chargers, especially when it comes to gaming laptops.

The next step will be to standardize the wireless charging. EU may demand support for a common standard by 2025. However, some countries and the EU Commission are asking for a longer transitional period “for technical reasons”. Today most phones that support wireless charging can use Qi standart, but prefer to use faster proprietary technology.
