26,500 Javelin anti-tank systems, 1,400 Stinger anti-aircraft systems, 108 howitzers, 50 million shells, hundreds of armored vehicles and helicopters: the United States transferred military assistance to Ukraine for $ 4.6 billion

By: Myroslav Trinko | 15.06.2022, 15:59

The US Embassy in Ukraine has shared statistics on arms shipments since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

What was told

So, since February 24, the United States has given us 11 military aid packages worth $4.6 billion. They included:

  • 220,000 artillery shells
  • 50,000,000 rounds
  • 25,000 sets of body armor and helmets
  • 108 howitzers
  • 26,500 Javelins and other ATGMs
  • 1400 Stinger anti-aircraft systems
  • Highly mobile artillery rocket systems
  • Hundreds of armored multipurpose vehicles
  • Unmanned aerial systems
  • Unmanned Coastal Defense Vessels
  • Counter-battery, counter-mortar and air surveillance radars
  • Helicopters

Recall that recently the United States also approved supplies to Ukraine multiple launch rocket systems HIMARS. Ukrainian defenders already completed training on their use and in nearest time they go to the front. 

Source: @USEmbassyKyiv

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