Myoshirt Developed Textile Wearable Muscles

By: Michael Korgs | 30.06.2022, 17:19
Myoshirt Developed Textile Wearable Muscles

ETH Zurich has created a wearable muscular "exomuscle" that may provide extra strength to its user. It was originally designed for individuals with muscle impairments, but it might also help healthy people by extending their mobility. Myoshirt is a garment worn by users, and the artificial muscle fibers (a cable) run parallel to their own muscles. When the user bends or strains, sensors and sophisticated algorithms tighten the synthetic fibers for added power. The company refers to the cable as an "artificial tendon."

The system allows the user to maintain control, according to ETH Zurich. The strength may be adjusted to match the user's preference, and it is possible to regulate it. This arrangement assists with arm and shoulder movement, and you can see the kind of motion supported in the video below. I appreciate that the equipment is easy-to-use and doesn't need big equipment, as seen frequently in professional medical treatment devices. According on ETH Zurich, all testers found the equipment simple to use, and all (impaired or healthy) groups have shown some benefits.

This is still a lab experiment, but the goal now is to try it out in the real world. It's reasonable to assume that it will take some time (and lots of paperwork) before this becomes a medical device for general use. However, it represents a very exciting possibility that could lead to further inventions. Patients who no longer have the ability to raise heavy items like as a gallon of milk or other common items might find such technology life-changing.
